Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Plane ride

The plane ride was fine, the food even more terrible than I expected, and there was however one highlight. I had booked my window seat and was all by myself until we arrived in Montreal. An older guy and his daughter boarded and the guy had his seat next to me, and his daughter one row ahead, which is bad for a longer flight. Anyways, the guy next to me asks the guy sitting next to his daughter, if he would mind switching seats as he rarely sees her since she lives in the US. Monsieur ahead fusses that he booked a window seat and he wants to keep it. Feeling quite bad about the situation I tell the guy I don't mind switching, so we do. I end up a row ahead and the guy sits with his daughter; problem solved. My new seat mate is a nice chatty middle aged Quebecer fron St. Hubert, Mr. Martin, who's quite nice. Half an hour after we take off, the guy behind me pokes the back of my arm and passes me a pamplet about a gallery featuring the works of Charles Carson in Montreal. On the back is written

SVP Presenter a la mademoiselle une lithographe originale signee. Amicalement, Charles Carson.

He tells me to present it at the gallery and the art is mine, as he is Mr. Carson; en route to Paris for an exhibition of his work. A lithograph to start my art collection. It was awesome.


taylorh said...

Oh.My.God. Now that's a story to tell the grandkids! Mum was really happy when you called so keep calling but when I'm home too cuz I really miss you and want to talk so yeah.(I get home at 5) Bye Bee, J'taime


bee said...

Hey tay, yeah it was pretty cool, the guy invited me to ride into paris with him and his daughter but i really wanted to take the train so I didn't go. great news about your job, hope its going well. i called about 12 your time today but you were at work. talk to you soon.