Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The doorway to the place

Before the decore

Before the decore

Before the decore

Before the decore

Before the decore

Before the decore

I know it might be dragging a bit, but believe it or not, there's even more Tunisia(don't worry, not that much more) coming up within a few days. Don't be shy about comments everyone

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

It was amazing how many flowers there were all over the place, growing on the walls, over doorways, just everywhere. It made it look very pretty and cheerful.

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

They had this cute little train trolley thing to take the tourists up the hill, but unfortunately it was for another group....

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said

A famous little restaurant that Patrick Bruel sang about in a song.

The beautiful seaside town of Sidi Bou Said